Birmingham Associate Choir

A Musical Community Without Barriers

The Birmingham Associate Choir welcomes people aged 25 years and under, and their families/carers. It is administered by Services for Education and supported by Soundabout.

Please sign up to find out more information about the choir .

The choir celebrates that everyone has their own way of sharing their voice. Here are a few examples of ways you could join in:

  • Singing or vocalisations
  • Making sounds with an instrument or sound maker
  • Using technology e.g. an iPad or EyeGaze
  • Movement and dance
  • Signing; We use a mix of movement, BSL, Signalong and Makaton to interpret lyrics*

By welcoming all voices we aim to be as inclusive as possible, and actively try to remove barriers to participation from those with severe and profound learning disabilities. 

The choir sings songs chosen by members and occasionally writes their own songs. Every piece of music is designed so that members can be involved in their own way. 

The choir is free to join, there are no auditions, and you do not need to be able to read music notation.

If you have any questions, please get in touch directly with the hub via ‘Need help button’ on the sign up page.

*We do not claim to be Makaton, Signalong or BSL accredited. We work closely with volunteers, choir members and use resources available on YouTube to create our signing videos and inform our delivery. Our aim is to support musical engagement and enjoyment through movement. Please visit MakatonSignalong and/or BSL for more information and more accredited ways to learn. 

Face-to-Face Rehearsals 

Once a month on Saturdays at 11am-12.30pm, Midlands Arts Centre.

Upcoming Rehearsal Dates (2024)
Coming Soon!

What is it like to be a Choir Member?

Soundabout WMIC Birmingham – talk about what the choir means to them
Soundabout Inclusive Choir on BBC Songs of Praise

The smile as the hello songs begin says it all …

To see my daughter’s face light up when she was asked to play her ukulele was priceless …

My daughter loves to take part in recordings and works hard to learn all the songs. She loves picking out voices of other choir members on recording.

The Birmingham Inclusive Choir is run by Services For Education